Auf Schmugglertour mit Anna Grenze und Wilma Rüber
Mar 23, 2025 - Nov 9, 2025
"Anna Grenze and Wilma Rüber" kidnap families, groups, clubs, classes in the living history of wild coffee years in the Eifel. In the late 1940s, the two women take the risk and risk the smuggling tour across the green border to nearby Belgium. Because of Muckefuck they have enough, their mind is for real black coffee. Will you succeed in their project? Join the guest guides Sabine Petri and Dorita Molter-Frensch for a time-shift into the past.
Length of the walk about 7 km, duration about 3.5 hours. Please think of sturdy shoes, weatherproof clothing, backpack catering!
Costs: adults 14,00 Euro, children 8,00 Euro, family maximum price 35,00 Euro.
Registration and information at Tourist-Information Prümer Land,, Tel. 06551-505.
Start: 54597 Roth near Prüm, parking church, 10 o'clock