Wanderung zwischen den Feiertagen
Dec 27, 2025
Hiking with the Eifelverein Prüm. We meet with guests and the Prüm hiking friends at the Landhotel am Wenzelbach in Prüm for the traditional hike after Christmas. From the hotel we drive in carpools with private cars to the car park at the sports field in Weinsheim, travel costs for passengers €1.50. From here we hike in the Prüm limestone basin through the fields of Weinsheim, Fleringen and Rommersheim. After the hike, we particularly enjoy the hearty stew soup at the Landhotel am Wenzelbach. Hiking distance: approx. 7.5 km. Hiking guide Jakob Weinand would be grateful if you could register by phone at 06551 4463 or by email at jakob.weinand@gmail.com. Time: 9.30 a.m. Meeting point: Landhotel am Wenzelbach, Kreuzerweg 30, 54595 Prüm www.eifelverein-pruem.de